Intеrnational Day of Dеmocracy is cеlеbratеd on Sеptеmbеr 15th еach yеar to promotе and uphold thе principlеs of dеmocracy worldwidе. The theme for International Day of Democracy 2023 is “Empowering the Next Generation'' 

On Worldwide Day of A majority rules government, we should praise the force of individuals meeting up to shape their own future. May a majority rules government keep on thriving around the world!

Wishing everybody a cheerful Worldwide Day of A majority rules system! May we generally maintain the standards of a majority rules system and work towards an additional fair and impartial world.

As we mark Global Day of A majority rules government, may we recall that vote based system is certainly not a given however a valuable gift that should be esteemed and secured.

Blissful Majority rule government Day! We should make progress toward a reality where each voice is heard, and each vote counts.

On this day, we should reaffirm our obligation to a majority rule government and its qualities, knowing that together, we can construct a superior future for all.

Blissful Worldwide Day of A majority rules system! Allow every one of us to cooperate to reinforce a majority rule government and construct a superior world for all.

A vote based system is our most noteworthy fortune. Allow us to commend this day and commit once again ourselves to its standards.

A majority rules government is somewhat flawed, yet it is the best arrangement of government we have. Allow us to cooperate to make it stunningly better.